Biden's Weakness Brought 2K Russians to Our Southern Border

  • by:
  • Source: Newsmax
  • 08/27/2024

The following article has been authored by a candidate for Florida's 7th congressional district.  

According to a recent article, “In December, over 2,000 Russians and 300 Ukrainians made their way to the [U.S.-Mexico] border. ... By comparison, only 53 Russians were found at the US-Mexico border in December of the previous year.”

During the 2016 presidential election, Democrats claimed President Donald Trump “would lead us into World War III.”

Over four years in office, President Trump kept us out of new wars, and made America safer. President Trump:

  • ordered construction of a wall for our southern border;

  • implemented policies to prevent a virtual invasion of migrants;

  • negotiated the February 29, 2020, conditions-based withdrawal from America’s longest war in Afghanistan known as the Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan, also known as the “Doha Agreement” (which President Biden ignored);

  • developed a relationship with North Korea that resulted in destruction of a missile development factory;

  • withdrew from the failed “JCPOA” Nuclear Agreement with Iran; and

  • provided lethal aid to Ukraine to help its people protect their sovereignty and border from Russian threats.

President Trump also concluded the Abraham Accords to strengthen and build a strong Arab coalition in the Middle East to prevent Iranian proxy militias and the Iran regime’s further aggression against the U.S. and our allies. He approved the counter-terrorism strike that eliminated brutal terrorist leaders such as Quds Force leader Qasim Soleimani, Iranian proxy militia leader Abu Mehdi Al-Muhandis, and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

America was noticeably stronger on the world’s stage thanks to President Trump. Our adversaries understood our strength, and our allies knew we could not be taken advantage of.

President Joe Biden stands in stark contrast.

President Biden failed to secure our borders, allowing illegal alien narco-terrorists to engage in drug-trafficking, human slavery and murder of American citizens by illegal aliens.

President Biden ignored President Trump’s Doha Agreement, withdrawing our troops from Afghanistan knowing that Americans left behind would be targeted by terrorists. In so doing, President Biden is directly responsible for the most well-equipped and well-armed terrorist groups in the world now being in Afghanistan, having left $86 billion in weapons, defense articles, attack helicopters and cash.

President Biden has allowed Russia to amass over 127,000 troops with tanks and defense armaments on Russia’s Ukrainian border, apparently preparing for another invasion of Ukraine.

Under President Biden, North Korea is now testing missiles and attempting to aquire a fully functional hypersonic missile. The People’s Republic of China now has a larger naval fleet than America, and has started threatening Taiwan while staging military attack vessels in the South China Sea.

The Iranian regime has now surpassed 60% nuclear enrichment directly in violation of United Nations Resolution 2231, and nearing weapons grade capabilities. Iranian-backed militias have become more active again under Biden, with attacks launched on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the Yemeni Houthi group, and most recently drone and rocket attacks on the UAE.

We now have build-up and strengthening of ISIS again in both Syria and Iraq, raising further concerns for stability and the safety of Americans in the region.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party of China has increased its cyber attacks, begun a “resource grab” in Afghanistan to acquire $1.3 trillion in lithium, advanced its “One Road, One Belt” initiative, essentially rebuilding the Silk Road strategy, and established maritime connections from Eurasia to Africa and to Oceania.

All this enables the Communist Party of China to continue partnership funding for nations like Iran, the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism, and strategic agreements with Russia. We are witnessing before our eyes the great superpower resurgence.

The only problem is that America is falling far behind, and may cease to be considered a superpower if the Biden administration continues its deterioration of our military and economic strength.

This is just a “30,000-foot view” into how far America’s National Security has weakened in just one-year under the Biden administration.

Biden is doing the same interventionist failed strategies he tried under former President Obama. He now looks to relocate Naval aircraft carriers and strike groups in the seas, and troop deployments into the region, putting our forces on “high alert” as if our adversaries have not already predicted this response. It only serves to increase tensions, putting Americans at risk.

Biden ignores increased escalation of Russian aggression, and instead seeks to strengthen Russia economically by allowing the Nord Stream II pipeline to Western Europe, which not only benefits Russia economically but also strengthens Russia geopolitically as countries like Germany become more reliant on Russian oil — as 2,000 Russians last month attempted to cross our southern border.

America and the free world were far better protected under President Trump.

The question all Americans should be asking now, as our adversaries are realizing his weakness and leadership failures, is whether or not President Biden is leading America into World War III.

Cory Mills is a highly decorated combat veteran with experience in multiple theaters of operation. He is Founder and CEO of PACEM Solutions International and PACEM Defense LLC, which acquired AMTEC Less Lethal Systems, Inc., in 2018. For most of his adult life, Cory Mills has honorably served U.S. military, diplomatic and USAID missions. After Mr. Mills was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, he served as a subcontractor for the U.S. State Department from 2005-2010. During this time, he worked with thousands of diplomatic missions in the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the U.S. Consul in Erbil. In 2016, the Republic of Iraq credited PACEM with assisting operations which led to the raising of Iraq's flag at the Fallujah Governor's Office for the first time in nearly three years. Prior to this, ISIS was flying the flag of the Caliph in Fallujah. Read Cory Mill's Reports — More Here.

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